Some time back Ranbir Kapoor spoke about working on Anurag Kashyap's "Bombay Velvet" in Sri Lanka. In the interview, Ranbir spoke about the film and his role of Johnny Balraj. The actor had to train in martial arts and work on getting into good shape so he could fit the part of a street fighter. But he did not need to bulk up or build muscles.
"Balraj is a street fighter. But he doesn't have the kind of body of today's day and age. He is a
character of the '50s and '60s. They didn't have those kind of bodies," says Ranbir.
in fact, he says that more than physical, the film was emotionally challenging. While Ranbir had to dig deep to get into his role in "Rockstar," he feels that Johnny Balraj (his character in BV) was also an emotional experience. "Every role has its own challenges. It's ("Bombay Velvet") a very intense role for me. I have never done a role of such nature before. Anurag is a delight for actors. He feeds us a lot and also gives us a lot of freedom. He takes a lot of suggestions from us at the same time he knows what he is doing," said Ranbir.
Resource ; Ranbir Kapoor: 'Bombay Velvet' Was Emotionally Challenging
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