New Delhi: Actor Ranbir Kapoor turned 33 a few days ago. His girlfriend, actress Katrina Kaif flew to London to surprise her beau, and in return all she wanted was a gift from Ranbir. Kat had asked Ranbir to quit smoking and he promised her that he would do that.
Alas, Ranbir Kapoor broke his promise to Katrina Kaif and was spotted smoking recently with his best friend Ayan Mukherji and cousin Armaan Jain. The trio were seen at the OKtoberfest held in Munich, Germany.
Obviously, Katrina will be deeply saddened knowing this. The ‘Phantom’ actress was apparently serious about getting beau Ranbir rid off this deadly addiction. It was because of this that the couple flew to Original FX Mayr Health Center in Austria, which helps the people who wish to leave smoking.
Resource: OMG! Ranbir Kapoor caught cheating on his girlfriend Katrina Kaif
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