After shooting for the upcoming movie ‘Tamasha’ in Corsica, Calcutta, Delhi and abroad, the lead couple Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor are back in Mumbai and will shooting for the film here next. This is the first time ever that the duo will be shooting for the film in Mumbai. The next shooting schedule of the movie will begin sometime early next week, and the on screen couple is all charged up for it.
Deepika and Ranbir’s onscreen appearance was applauded by everyone in their previous movie ‘Yeh Jawaani hai Deewani’ and this time again, fans are eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of their on screen chemistry. Directed by Imtiaz Ali, the film will release on November 27, this year.
Resource: Deepika Padukone, Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Tamasha’ in Mumbai next
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