Bollywood’s two biggest actors Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor created hilarious and rib tickling comedy at IIFA 2015 on June 7, 2015. After AIB roast controversy, both the actors created a lively act on the stage with their funny antics.
The duo left no stone unturned to make extravaganza entertaining with their hosting debut at Putra Indoor stadium in Malaysia. From making fun on Ranbir Kapoor’s Bombay Velvet to flirting with actress Deepika Padukone, both the actors went uproarious on stage. Well, there was no reaction by Ranbir Kapoor on it, but his dad Rishi Kapoor surely has something to say on it.
Rishi Kapoor who is too concerned about his son Ranbir and always raises his voice when something is triggered on his son, was cool enough with the jokes made by ‘Gunday’ actors Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh at IIFA 2015.
Reportedly Rishi Kapoor said, “It’s alright, yaar. It is okay to run down anyone for a few laughs in this industry. Ranbir is going through that phase in his career when he is facing flak for his choice of films, and rightly so. He has made some mistakes. He will emerge a stronger, wiser and more learned actor after his suicidal career decisions. All actors go through lean phases. It’s part and parcel of growing as an actor”
Well, Kudos to the cool dad who has understood that everything said at the IIFA awards was just a fun game and not intentional.
Okay, when even Rishi Kapoor is all fine with the jokes, then why not a one out here from Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh all the way from IIFA.
Here it is, “They also said that Ranbir Kapoor should have been named a Roti in Bombay Velvet as his co-star Anushka Sharma was named Rosie, that ultimately means “Rosie-Roti”. And they both took the Rosie-Roti away from Anurag Kashyap’s pocket,” they said.
Later, the duo also apologized for their stint on AIB roast, which also got them into legal trouble. Appreciated boys!
Resource: Rishi Kapoor’s Reaction On Arjun Kapoor And Ranveer Singh Roasting Ranbir Kapoor At IIFA!
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