Bollywood filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s Bombay Velvet failed to do well at the Box Office, as the film received poor reactions from audiences. While most of the people are excited about the new releases, there’s someone from Btown who wants to watch Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma starrer film Bombay Velvet.
Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan revealed that even though the film didn’t do well at that Box Office, he would still like to watch Bombay Velvet. The actor saw the trailer and the hard work that had put into the film and wants to watch the film. “I haven’t seen the film yet. I had seen the trailer and it shows that a lot of hard work had gone into it. It feels sad that the film did not do well… I would still like to watch ‘Bombay Velvet’,” Aamir Khan said in a recent interview.
Set in 60’s, Anurag Kashyap’s Bombay Velvet, which tells a story of a cage fight named Johnny Balraj, who sets out fighting all the odds just to fulfill his dream of becoming a Big Shot in the city, did very poor at the Box Office.
Aamir went further on saying that there are films that work and that there are some films that don’t, and people feel bad when a film doesn’t work. But people should learn from these experiences.
Based on Gyan Prakash book called Mumbai Fables, Bombay Velvet is a story of how a man’s dream becomes every man’s nightmare. The film was Anurag Kashyap’s most ambitious project and reportedly was offered to Aamir Khan in the beginning but after a long wait, the filmmaker gave up on the idea of making the film with Aamir Khan and signed Ranbir Kapoor for the role
Resource: Here Is Why Aamir Khan Wants To Watch Ranbir Kapoor And Anushka Sharma’s Bombay Velvet
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